Saturday, October 1, 2011

The NFL- A Role Model for Society and Business

I cant wait to use 1.2 billion of taxpayer money for the Vikings stadium so taxpayers are guaranteed to lose money. After all, the NFL is a stable and well regulated industry. Now, if they had a history of; labor strife or work stoppage, continued charges of racism, sexism or sexual abuse, drug use and abuse, connections to organized crime, weapons violations and any other problems like that I might understand your concern. Nothing like a solid  and stable industry to invest in.

Mind you, the Vikings are highly rated, gaining an eye popping 0 and 4 rating by "Superbowl", an industry standards measurement. I just admire the fact that the players are willing to show up and play some of the plays hard, for such little money. They just need a hand up, not a handout.

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