Saturday, September 26, 2020

Blacktivists Corner Their Market of Hate

The Democrat party is a coalition of abbreviated and hyphenated-Americans that has long been home to race hustling grifters and other forms of grievance merchants. 

Racehustling grifters, past and present ...

Obama, Sharpton and BLM's Deray ...

The hours and the pay are EXCELLENT ....

If you doubt that this racehustling is a grift and America truly is a systemically racist country, why do people pretend to be black or minority as part of their con ? Ask Elizabeth Warren ?

Maybe ask Talcum X ?

Or Rachel Dolezal ?

The grift is out in the open but the media openly defends anything BLM 

In case you haven't figured it out by now, bigots make everything about race and so do Democrats Tribalism is the easiest way to divide and conquer 

Woke is Racist.