Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Baristas Now Carry Guns at Spokane Coffee Shop

Trio of robberies has Jitterz Java employees ready to start carrying guns

 SPOKANE, Wash.   
After three robberies in less than a month at Jitterz Java, employees say they're refusing to be victimized anymore and are preparing to pack heat on the job.
Jitterz Java owner Sara Chapel is encouraging her staff members not only to bring their guns, but she's keeping one in the stand just in case
 Order a drink and you may find yourself looking at Krystal Cogswell's .38 Special Lavender Lady secured to her hip. She's one of the half dozen employees arming themselves in case of another robbery.
 As far as the legality of it is concerned, Spokane Police said it is completely legal as long as the employees who are armed are 18 and older and do not have any prior convictions that restrict them from using firearms.