Sunday, October 20, 2013

Clinton Ally Pens E-Book: ‘The Benghazi Hoax’

Media Matter's Propagandist David Brock Pens E-Book: ‘The Benghazi Hoax’

By MAGGIE HABERMAN | 10/19/13 8:51 PM EDT @Politico

Media Matters founder and Hillary Clinton ally David Brock has co-authored a 90-page e-book called “The Benghazi Hoax,” a tome intended as a counterweight of sorts to criticisms of the former Secretary of State and President Barack Obama over the 2012 attacks in Libya.

Background on the Attack and the Special Mission Benghazi
Brock previewed the book in an interview with POLITICO last week in the liberal group’s Washington offices. He described it as an important and necessary resource on the Benghazi attacks that left four Americans dead last Sept. 11 — and which some congressional Republicans have shown continued interest in probing.
Brock insisted the book is not intended as a de facto defense of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton as she comes under scrutiny ahead of a likely 2016 presidential bid. Supporting the Clintons is a fraction of Media Matters’ mission, he said, and her role in the Benghazi attacks is not the sole focus of the book.

Secretary of State has to Approve High Threat Level Locations
But the mere fact of the book’s existence is an acknowledgement that Benghazi will remain a topic of debate, and one that could harm Clinton with independent and center-right Republicans. And it comes as Brock-affiliated groups could fill an organizational void for Clinton, who has no machinery of her own beyond a handful of staffers since leaving the State Department.

The book, which comes out Tuesday, is as much about pushing back against criticisms by the right that Obama is a weak president who has hurt America in the world, Brock said.

Still, he added, there are “six super PACs out there dedicated to trying to tarnish [Clinton’s] reputation.”
 The Clintonista Brock spins the coverup:
“People have missed the fact that Benghazi was not only a tragedy, but it was a night of valor,” said Brock. The book – the first such endeavor for Media Matters, which is self-publishing it – was conceived of in the spring, as the congressional hearings on Benghazi were taking place, he said.
 David Brock is just another leftist that cannot tell the truth.
The Benghazi Timeline
 The book offers a sweeping criticism of a number of Republicans, including last year’s GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney, as well as members of the media. That includes but is not limited to several Fox News anchors, whom Brock describes as “hoaxters” interested in tarnishing Obama and Clinton, and, by extension, former United Nations Ambassador Susan Rice. Her Sunday show appearances defending the administration shortly after the attacks helped sink her hopes of becoming Secretary of State.

 Obama called Benghazi an 'act of terror' the next day?

Was there 'accountability' with a review board? @CSPAN
Hillary Clinton, the Whistleblower and the Benghazi Mission @CSPAN