The youtube movies and Occupy Wall Street propaganda machine have cast this as a former Vet that was shot by the Oakland Police in the face at an Occupy Oakland Protest. The REAL FACTS are as follows.
Former Marine Scott Olsen suffered a skull fracture in the shutdown of
the #Occupy Oakland camp after it turned violent the night of Oct. 25 in downtown
Vet’s injuries from Occupy Oakland protest not caused by deputies, SF sheriff says
Rolling Stone January 2012- San Fran Paper 10/31/2011 |
Rolling Stone January 2012
If he was shot with a gas canister where is the gas?
I was amazed at how easy it was to tell that Scott Olsen WAS NOT shot by police in the face. More to my amazement was seeing an orange sparking explosive strike him in the BACK of the head. He seems to be immediately knocked out and falls,, his head hitting the pavement.
Sparks are not teargas |
Laying on ground |
It was thrown from the crowd. Notice the high arc on the angle of sparks. With this much of a propaganda machine pushing Scott Olsen as a hero and martyr, a False Flag attack (attack on their own) on a Veteran is even more likely. A perfect target. It would really boost their image leaving no one to question their patriotism. The police were immediately blamed. In fact. officers were identified quickly as being the shooters and their info was Dox'd. The propaganda machine went into overdrive and the media was quick to ignore this evidence. The Left Wing media wanted this story to play out. A riot in Oakland would help the media and The MEME About those unprovoked attacks from the police.
This story is repeated and exaggerated in left wing circles as they prepare for their Spring Offensive. Bradley Manning is another cause of theirs, so they really need this LIE to continue. A hero to lobby for Manning. Do you think adding more hate and lies from the likes of Van Jones will help your message? The propaganda machine quickly produced these results:
Aerial footage shows gas canister hitting Scott Olsen in head
"I showed the video to former NASA photo analyst
Michael Rivero, to see if he thought the low trajectory of the tear gas canister fired at Olsen shows that
the attack was intentional.
Rivero is an imaging expert with experience with NASA probes, and so
is expert at assessing height, angle and object size from photos taken
from various distances and at different angles.
Rivero told me:
I agree the low angle indicates the shot was aimed at Scott.
This is a favorite trick of the Israelis to kill people while pretending it was an accident.
For background on the use of tear gas in Israel, see this."
Updated: The story as of 05/01/2012 is the Police shot Scott Olsen with a Less Than Lethal beanbag round. Oakland PD gets Occupied by the Feds
beanbag round |
beanbag round |
beanbag round |
Rolling Stone Provides Zero Evidence of a Police Shooting |
Before and after. Hit with explosive and a hard fall. |
What caused this day of action and strike? Compare the two messages.
Any reason to riot. A day of strike for their new "hero". The damage has little blowback.
The propaganda from the Occupy Wall Street coalition continues Feb 22 2012
Occupy the Propaganda Machine - The Campaign
#Blackbloc #flashbang #skateboardpunks #marxist #socialist #communist #Mao #marx
#anarchist #falseflag #propaganda #occupywallstreet #ScottOlsen
#Marines #teargas #egypt #tahirsquare #Occupyboston #occupyphilly
#occupymn #occupy #ows #shot #head #face #domesticterror #veteran
#occupycongress #occupythehood #occupyhomes #occupymn #israel
#kill #pretend #accident #antisemitism #NASA #SottOlson #photoanalyst
#trajectory #rollingstone #casualty #occupation #Ihatethemarinecorp
#founder#oaklandpolice #brutality #allegations #OccupyDavis #occupyla #disinformation #mediabias #leftwingmediabias #footageofscottolsen #footageofscottolsenbeingshot #footageofscottolsenbeingshotinface #footage #flashband #scottolsen #iraqveteransforpeace #iraqveteran #iraqveteranscottolsen
The Global Fraud known as #OccupyWallStreet
Occupy Wall Street -Scripted by Global Bankers