Showing posts with label ACA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ACA. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Overhead costs exploding under ObamaCare

The Obamacare law was passed without transparency, was based on lies and relied on the stupidity of the Democrat voter. The failure of Obama's 'signature' legislation is evident reading many different news items. 

Five years after the passage of ObamaCare, there is one expense that’s still causing sticker shock across the healthcare industry: overhead costs. 
The administrative costs for healthcare plans are expected to explode by more than a quarter of a trillion dollars over the next decade, according to a new study published by the Health Affairs blog.   
The $270 billion in new costs, for both private insurance companies and government programs, will be “over and above what would have been expected had the law not been enacted,” one of the authors, David Himmelstein, wrote Wednesday. 
Those costs will be particularly high this year, when overhead is expected to make up 45 percent of all federal spending related to the Affordable Care Act. By 2022, that ratio will decrease to about 20 percent of federal spending related to the law. 
The study is based on data from both the government’s National Health Expenditure Projections and the Congressional Budget Office. Both authors are members of Physicians for a National Health Program, which advocates for a single-payer system. 
"This number – 22.5 percent of all new spending going into overheard – is shocking even to me, to be honest. It’s almost one out of every four dollars is just going to bureaucracy," the study's other author, Steffie Woolhandler, said Wednesday...
A breakdown of the costs...... 
The extra administrative costs amount to the equivalent of $1,375 per newly insured person per year, the authors write.
About two-thirds of the new overhead costs are the result of rising enrollment in private plans, which the authors say carries “high costs for administration and profits.” 
The rest is the result of expanded government programs, such as Medicaid. It also includes the cost of running ObamaCare exchanges at both the federal and state levels. 
The federal exchange, as well as the 13 state-run exchanges, have all been boosted by grant money, though those funds will run out by 2016. The exchange will then need to rely on fees to plan premiums.
Next from the Wall Street Journal: 

Health Insurers Seek Hefty Rate Boosts
Proposals set the stage for debate over federal health law’s impact
Major insurers in some states are proposing hefty rate boosts for plans sold under the federal health law, setting the stage for an intense debate this summer over the law’s impact. 
In New Mexico, market leader Health Care Service Corp. is asking for an average jump of 51.6% in premiums for 2016. The biggest insurer in Tennessee, BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee, has requested an average 36.3% increase. In Maryland, market leader CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield wants to raise rates 30.4% across its products. Moda Health, the largest insurer on the Oregon health exchange, seeks an average boost of around 25%. 
All of them cite high medical costs incurred by people newly enrolled under the Affordable Care Act.....
Next from CNBC

Obamacare's special enrollments draw little interest
Many were called. Few chose to respond.
The federal Obamacare insurance marketplace signed up 147,000 people in 36 states during a special tax season enrollment period, officials revealed Tuesday. That relatively light level of sign-ups was similar to what was seen in 11 other states and the District of Columbia during their own grace periods. issued the final tally via Twitter rather than a press release or news call that Obama administration officials have previously used to announce other numbers and results.
The federal exchange's special enrollment period was open to people who learned they were subject to a tax penalty for failing to have health insurance coverage last year when they were preparing their tax returns. 
In all, it appears fewer than 250,000 people signed up nationally. In Hawaii, no people—as in zero—signed up during the special tax season enrollment...
Lastly, from The LaTimes

Amid slower growth, California's Obamacare exchange cuts proposed spending

After using most of $1 billion in federal start-up money, California's Obamacare exchange is preparing to go on a diet.
That financial reality is reflected in Covered California's proposed budget, released Wednesday, as well as a reduced forecast calling for 2016 enrollment of fewer than 1.5 million people.
The recalibration comes after tepid enrollment growth for California during the second year of the Affordable Care Act. The state ended open enrollment in February with 1.4 million people signed up, far short of its goal of 1.7 million.
A number of factors contributed to the shortfall, but health policy experts said that some uninsured folks still find health insurance unaffordable despite the health law's premium subsidies....

Obamacare is not sustainable by any measure and has failed the American people, just like Barack Obama.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Barack Obama: Out of the Loop or Excuses?

Obama's 'in-the-dark' defense
By JENNIFER EPSTEIN | 10/28/13 8:23 PM EDT +POLITICO  excerpt:
President Barack Obama is briefed each day on a wide range of domestic and international issues, yet when it comes to major controversies, his administration’s response is often the same: the president didn’t know.
The most recent appearance of the tendency came Sunday, as the Wall Street Journal reported that Obama was unaware of the National Security Agency’s surveillance of foreign leaders until earlier this year. The story came on the heels of Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius’s claim that the president didn’t learn of the problems with until after the site’s Oct. 1 launch.

Barack Obama: Out of the Loop or Excuses?
And earlier this year, Obama himself said he learned about the Internal Revenue Service’s targeting of political groups “from the same news reports that I think most people learned about this.”
The bottom line explanation in all these instances is the same: President Obama didn’t know any more about the scandal than the ordinary person on the street, and certainly wasn’t involved in decision-making processes — at least, not until long after potential problems arose.

Friday, October 18, 2013

Obamacare Rollout- Persistent Problems Plague Progress

ObamaCare problems mount

 By Elise Viebeck - 10/18/13 01:20 PM ET excerpt from The Hill:
 The problems for the main ObamaCare enrollment portal are going from bad to worse.

ObamaCare's online marketplace is reportedly creating a mess for insurance companies by approving error-ridden applications, the latest in a series of problems that threaten to dampen enrollment under the healthcare law.

Among the small number of people who have successfully purchased coverage, many have filed out duplicate enrollments, misreported family members or left data fields empty, insurers told The Wall Street Journal.

These errors were attributed to flaws in the design of the online enrollment system, which does not easily allow users to fix their mistakes.

Problems plague Obamacare rollout

 October 17th, 2013 CNN's Jake Tapper excerpt:
President Barack Obama's presidential campaign, and indeed his administration, have been well-known for being on the cutting edge of technology.
Yet when it came to the roll out of Obama's signature domestic policy achievement, someone dropped the tech-savvy ball.
The federal exchange website "" has at times been slow, inaccessible to users, and – in the words of the White House – prone to frequent "glitches."
"According to other IT experts, it's been software issues, in addition to not knowing what the volume was going to be," said former Medicare director for the George H. W. Bush administration Gail Wilensky.

An early policy decision put undue burden on the website, said Wilensky. Normally, online shoppers can browse products anonymously, decide whether they want to buy something, and then go through the process of providing personal information.
"The administration made the decision that they didn't want people to look at options, unless they also had the subsidy that they would receive available to them. They were afraid of sticker shock," said Wilensky.

Friday, March 16, 2012

MMFA- When Democrats Play Math With Obamacare

 Right-Wing Media Falsely Claim Cost Of Health Care Law Has Doubled

Media Matters and their muppets come to the defense of the White House and Obamacare. They change gross cost to net cost, change all the cost and revenue assumptions and DROP MILLIONS OF PEOPLE FROM COVERAGE from the previous years estimate. Those dropped go back on Government programs like Medicare, increasing those costs. The left wing propaganda machine reports this as saving billions more. Estimated cost 900 billion. Current  "rosey" CBO guess 1.1 trillion.  Just look at the savings.  


CBO: Obamacare Twice As Expensive As Projected  CBO: Obamacare Twice As Expensive As Projected   as reported at Breitbart.

"By reducing the estimated net 2012-2021 costs to $1.083 trillion from $1.131 trillion a year ago, the CBO report could help Democrats blunt some of the criticism over the high costs of extending coverage to some 47 million uninsured Americans, as they try to tout savings elsewhere in the law.
These cost reductions are largely due to lower estimates for subsidies and tax credits associated with the law's planned insurance exchanges for individual coverage.
They also include higher revenues from penalties and the tax effects of higher taxable income, as private employers drop health insurance plans in favor of extra compensation for employees to buy insurance via the exchanges.
But the analysis also projected that some 4 million fewer people will obtain insurance through employers or through the insurance exchanges promoted by the healthcare law by 2016 than estimated a year ago.
Many of those people will need to be covered by government-run Medicaid program for the poor, causing higher Medicaid costs to eat into savings elsewhere." 
"Before the revenue and tax effects, the gross cost for that period hits a new high: $1.762 trillion, and Republicans wasted little time in pouncing on it and the lower coverage estimate."

 "During a hearing on Capitol Hill Thursday, the secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) admitted to double-counting in the Obamacare budget.
In her first appearance before the House Energy and Commerce Health Subcommittee since the health-care law passed, Kathleen Sebelius responded to a line of questioning by Republican Rep. John Shimkus of Illinois about whether $500 billion in Medicare cuts were used to sustain the program or pay for the law.
“There is an issue here on the budget because your own actuary has said you can’t double-count,” said Shimkus. “You can’t count — they’re attacking Medicare on the CR when their bill, your law, cut $500 billion from Medicare.”
He continued: “Then you’re also using the same $500 billion to what? Say your funding health care. Your own actuary says you can’t do both. […] What’s the $500 billion in cuts for? Preserving Medicare or funding the health-care law?
Sebelius’ reply? “Both.' "  HHS Secretary Sebelius admits to double-counting in Obamacare budget 

"CBO estimates that the Hospital Insurance (HI) Trust Fund, which pays for care provided at hospitals and post-acute care services will have a zero balance in 2022.  In 2012, the balance in this fund was $246 billion.  Balances in this fund are projected to drop quickly in the coming years with a balance of CBO Reduces Estimate of Increase in Medicare Spending by $69 Billion Over 10 Years 
  • $221 billion at the end of 2012;
  • $185 billion at the end of 2013;
  • $148 billion at the end of 2014;
  • $120 billion at the end of 2015;
  • $93 billion at the end of 2016;
  • $73 billion at the end of 2017;
  • $59 billion at the end of 2018;
  • $42 billion at the end of 2019;
  • $25 billion at the end of 2020; and
  • $6 billion at the end of 2021.  
 Raid a Trust Fund?

Media Matters and the usual suspects on the left continue to lie about the costs of Obamacare. Their FRAUD of an argument changes gross to net and drops millions of patients from coverage, as well as reductions in costs and increased revenues.  The rest of Obamacare IS BASED ON THE MODEL OF 'THE CLASS ACT'. Where do these patient's cost go?

Another attempt by the left to pretend that the ACA (Obamacare) is good for the country and the citizens. The Democrats dont believe in real math, honest debate or budgets.

The White House and Obama are trying every trick in the book to get the unconstitutional mandate passed.  Obama shifts healthcare defense 

#mediamatters #obamacare #mmfa #ACA #classact #obama2012 #grossversusnet

If it costs a dollar and I pay a quarter that I have and borrow 75 cents to buy it. It still costs at least a dollar.Now about that interest on the money and the costs that EXCEED the current 1.8 trillion dollar estimate.