Sunday, September 8, 2019

Engineering Study Debunks Official Story of World Trade Center Building 7 Collapse

Most people old enough to remember the 9/11 World Trade Center Towers collapsing quickly accepted the U.S. governments explanation and investigation and we went to war. Any questioning of the official story was quickly labeled a conspiracy theory and those that continued to question the "official story" were call 9/11 truthers. After all, there were witnesses and video of planes hitting WTC towers 1 and 2.  The explanation given by our government seemed plausible to me at the time and this wasn't a rabbit hole that I was going to waste my time exploring too far. However, the truthers concerns over the official story of the collapse of WTC building 7 seemed to merit some more consideration.  However, any reporting or investigation counter to the official story of the demise of building 7 would not really occur, until now. Well, except for the reporting part .....

While the media obsessed over #sharpiegate and Trump tweets an engineering study was releases in regards to building 7 and its finding has the truthers rejoicing and shouting vindication but the report only proves the official story was a LIE.  It doesn't explain HOW the building was brought down. Any conjecture about actors and actions causing the collapse will easily be dismissed as "conspiracy theory" all over again but the summary of the report highlights the fact that we were LIED to by our government yet again. 

First the official story from  NIST

Now the preliminary report from the Institute of Northern Engineering

The Report Page and Header
The summary

The Report Summary

The full report to follow might answer a few more questions and raise many more.  The burden of proof isn't on me to show the who, how or why of the building 7 collapse because that merits further investigation. We have proven the "facts" as provided by the government aren't accurate or true yet again and this should concern you as the upcoming 9/11 anniversary will appear in the news cycle.
Trillions spent, hundreds of thousands of lives lost and yet doubts remain among more than just the truthers.

An investigator might follow the money or look to publicly available information for an explanation so here are two videos for your consideration.

If you don't think your trust in government is misplaced and you shouldn't question authority we will face dark times ahead.