Tuesday, October 24, 2017

A True Cost of the Democrats' Social Justice War on America

The Democrats are the party of racial identity politics. Imagine, the party of slavery now exists as the party of abbreviated, hyphenated-Americans in a coalition of the aggrieved. People that can't put America first with grievances that more than just border on conspiracy theory.  Now hold on to your fabulous earth-friendly repurposed tin-foil hats leftists because I have some bad news.  Most Americans think we get a raw deal ......  so what could be more equal? 

Poll: Most Americans Think Their Own Group Faces Discrimination

There is the first part of the article at NPR. As they release the polls by race or other demographics keep this in mind. If Russia sought to divide us, why did they support black identity movements?

Why is the support of groups like Black Lives Matter by the 'Russians' divisive?

But NOT divisive if CNN pushes a LIE in support of the same groups

And NOT divisive when the 'community activist' race hustler in chief backs the BIG LIE

Now that the Russia / Trump collusion LIE has unraveled and the charges of 'hacking' discredited, it is strange to watch the Democrats calling the Russians  "divisive". In fact if makes me feel DEPLORABLE and privileged.

The laughable 'white privilege' narrative is a great example of propaganda. In a nation based on Judeo/Christian values, shame works rather well ....

A  real and verifiable form of discrimination or institutional racism in the United States would be affirmative action. Leftists, it is time to Stop the War on the once United States of America.