The author of “Antifa: the Anti-Fascist Handbook” and Occupy supporter Mark Bray talks about Antifa’s role in protests today. He addresses attacking Americans under the guise of 'preemptive self-defense' and explains that AntiFa targets more than Nazis. In fact, AntiFa's willingness to attack the 'right wing' and silence them is celebrated by the left and their allies in the media. The legacy media that uses AntiFa in a campaign to paint Donald Trump and his supporters as white supremacists, even going as far as depicting AntiFa as peaceful protesters. The same protesters smirk when they say by 'any means necessary' while viciously assaulting and silencing those who they disagree with. First a definition of self defense ....
and the legacy media's coverage of their peaceful darlings AntiFa ....
Who could have possibly thrown that 'mud' Katie?
AntiFa violence is okay as long as they don't hurt their allies in the media ......
And now Mark Bray, Dartmouth professor rationalizes AntiFa and their preemptive use of force ..
Remember, black bloc is a tactic, globalism by any means necessary is the strategy.
Progressive Protesters - A Coalition of Communists...
Social Justice Warriors - A Paid Activist Shell Game of Front Groups
AntiFa are peaceful, if you are communist enough.
AntiFa, the peaceful domestic terror group ...