Election Law and Equal Opportunity - The Crooked Chauvinist Democrat Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid
Some under the radar news for Dem. Harry Reid in June of 2012:
Indictment caps lobbyist Harvey Whittemore’s
dramatic fall from grace
Sunday, June 10, 2012 | 2 a.m.
In February 2007, Whittemore met with an elected official from Nevada, only identified in the indictment as “Federal Elected Official 1,” in Las Vegas, according to the federal indictment. FEC records suggest Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is the elected official.
Whittemore, the indictment said, “agreed to act as a fundraiser to collect a target amount of $150,000 in campaign contributions for Committee B.”
The indictment says that in March 2007, Whittemore solicited employees of his company and their spouses to make the maximum donations to federal candidates, about $4,600 for individuals or $9,200 for couples.
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Defense attorney John Arrascada, left, with Harvey Whittemore June 7, 2012 |
Whittemore paid $5,000 to an individual who contributed $4,600 and $10,000 to a couple that contributed $9,200, the indictment said.
In total, Whittemore and his associates contributed about $138,000 to the campaign.
Although he is named nowhere in the indictment, campaign contribution reports indicate Reid received nearly $150,000 — a tally calculated by Sun columnist Jon Ralston — from Whittemore and his associates on a single day in March 2007."
That was some of June for Democrat Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, What was May like?
Senator Harry Reid's War on Women
Obama makes NRC nomination over Reid opposition
Tuesday, May 8, 2012 | 3:48 p.m.
Barack Obama nominated Kristine L. Svinicki for a new term on the
Nuclear Regulatory Commission on Tuesday despite objections from Senate
Majority Leader Harry Reid.Svinicki has been caught in a dispute over NRC Chairman Gregory Jaczko, a former Reid aide who has been accused of intimidation and bullying. Svinicki has served on the NRC since 2008. In December, she and other commission members told Congress that Jaczko had created a tense workplace and that women felt especially threatened.
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Harry Reid - King of the Senate |
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., called for Svinicki's prompt confirmation.
Reid, D-Nev., has said previously that he opposed her nomination. His office declined to comment Tuesday.
Republican lawmakers have been pressuring the White House to renominate Svincki and have expressed dismay that her job appeared in jeopardy rather than's Jaczko's.
McConnell called Svinicki "one of the world's leading experts on nuclear safety" and said she has served with distinction on the commission for four years.........
Followed by this
Update 05/21/2012
Embattled Head of Nuke Agency to Step Down
The head of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission will resign once a successor is confirmed to run the nuclear safety agency.NRC Chairman Gregory Jaczko said in a statement Monday that he plans to continue efforts to ensure public safety "in a different forum."
His resignation comes after fellow NRC commissioners publicly described Jaczko as acting as a bully. And Jaczko's announcement comes less than two weeks after Senate Environment and Public Works Committee staff members were told of a pending NRC inspector general's report that expanded on the allegations that Jaczko was bullying staff. were. Last month, Jaczko "categorically" denied that he had been aggressive particularly against women.
Jaczko led the NRC as its chief spokesman while the agency responded last year to a nuclear meltdown in Japan
Embattled Head of Nuke Agency to Step Down
Among the report’s findings:
- Jaczko and his staff used political considerations to try to intimidate and influence other Democratic commissioners’ votes on matters related to Yucca Mountain.
See how Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid pads the stats on the filibuster and creates the 'obstructionist Republicans MEME. Senate Democrats Choose Dysfunction OVER Solutions
The URS Corporation cronyism with Dianne Feinnstein and Harry Reid's unethical or illegal conduct wont be disclosed or discussed by the fourth-estate/fifth-column. Other Obama operatives like Jesse Jackson Jr. and superbundler Jon Corzine also remain well below the radar. The Democrat Party is a model of corruption and the leftist media a model of deception. Harry Reid and his state was paid for the Yucca mountain project that he never intended to open. Yucca Mountain cost estimate rises to $96 billion This is just two months in Harry Reid's rule. Did someone say land deals? This cant be a story, after all I am #justablogger
Harry Reid
By Harry Reid standards, I have an airtight case
Romney releases 2011 tax return-20-year average tax rate-20.2 percent over the past 20 years
#urscorp #diannefeinstein #tcot #yuccamountain #harryreid #committees #democrats #oversight #ethics #crokked #chauvinist