Occupy Wall Street defiles the American Flag 2011-12 |
Reuters posts an interesting article that exposes part of the coalition behind the recent protests using the Michael Brown and Eric Garner decisions as a chance to stage protests. It should be no surprise that it is the same astroturf that brought us the
Occupy Wall Street movement before the 2012 elections.
The new 'progressive' Democrats are a
marxist collective at it's core, wrapped in a 'social justice' veneer. First a few excerpts from the article.
(Reuters) - One of the dozens of rallies and marches in New York this week to protest police violence against minorities was organized by members of Occupy Wall Street, the driving force behind worldwide protests over economic inequality in 2011 and 2012.
In the shadow of the New York Stock Exchange in lower Manhattan, leaders of the rally on Friday made passing references to the chokehold death of Eric Garner, an unarmed black man who white officers were attempting to arrest in July.
But mostly the speakers focused on Occupy's bread-and-butter issues, denouncing Wall Street greed, low wages paid to workers and "looting" by big banks.
“For someone coming here for Eric Garner, it can look a bit tangential,” said Brooklyn resident Kaity Lloyd-Styles, 28, who had joined about a hundred protesters under a cold, steady rain. This week's demonstrations were in response to a grand jury's decision not to indict the police officer.
While thousands have taken to the streets in New York and other cities over the deaths of unarmed black men at the hands of police officers, other social movements and even individuals have sought to hitch their causes to the momentum.
Sumumba Sobukwe, 46, an Occupy member since 2011, said it was natural to tie all manner of social and economic inequality issues to Garner and the August shooting death of unarmed teenager Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri.
“The police don’t serve the people, they serve the 1 percent,” he said, referring to an Occupy rallying cry, denouncing the richest few in society.
Lloyd-Styles, a counselor for inmates at Rikers Island prison, said the Garner and Brown deaths are a “stepping stone in a long conversation about social justice in general.”
Occupy Wall Street was the progressive astroturf answer to the Tea Party for election 2012 and were darlings in the main stream media. A close examination of OWS exposes the current Ferguson and Garner protests for what they are, more marxist street theater right out of the
Alinsky Rules for Radicals playbook
The false narratives of hands up, don't shoot and the 'chokehold' will be repeated over and over by the agitators and useful idiots in the parade of sheeple in the street. Lets look at the coaliton of communists behind the signs and banners at the protests against the police.
Occupy Oakland protests a few years ago now. The Revolutionary Communist Party is there to stir up the crowd. The
RevCom signage is openly displayed at the Ferguson and Garner protests.
Revolutionary Communist Party |
Revolutionary Communist Party
Revolutionary Communist Party |
Revolutionary Communist Party |
Another group behind the protests is the Progressive Labor Party. Progressive, as in Communist.
The Progressive Labor Party was nice enough to provide the catchy chants for the useful idiots.
Progressive Labor Party Communist Chant Sheet. |
Marxist Leninist Answer Coalition |
Howard Zinn, the late leftist intellectual said the time is right for the synthesis of the Red and the Black, a mix of
anarchism and marxism and we now see it in action. Progressive politics is nothing more than classic subversion as described by a KGB defector, the now deceased Yuri Bezminov
First, A Shorter Clip Of Yuri Bezminov explaining subversion and active measures.
And more from Yuri Bezminov
Occupy MN circa 2011 - 12 |
Occupy Oakland circa 2011-2012 |