A hallmark of the leftists in America is their inability to recognize or tell a truth. Memes and themes are used to peddle the propaganda and progressive pablum. The next story highlights the disconnect from reality that is required to to be a liberal.
Left aims to gain ground on super-PACs
By Kevin Bogardus - 02/04/14 03:20 PM EST excerpt from: TheHill
Alarmed by the rise of super-PACs, major allies of the Democratic Party are rallying behind new legislation that would provide federal matching funds for small-dollar donations.
Groups like Sierra Club, Communications Workers of America and the Progressive Change Campaign Committee are endorsing legislation from Rep. John Sarbanes (D-Md.) that would offer tax credits to campaign donors as well as matching funds to candidates who forgo traditional PAC contributions.
Other major liberal groups are expected to line up behind the bill as well.
“We are sick and tired of seeing money from a small section of multimillionaire donors drown out our voice across the board,” said Courtney Hight, director of the democracy program at the Sierra Club, told The Hill. “Issue-based groups that have not traditionally gotten into the fight over campaign finance are now seeing the threat to our democracy.”Your emotionally overwrought shrieks from the left are being drown out by the evil, rich Republican millionaires? Really?
Reversing trend, Democrats top the list of biggest super PAC donors
The rumors are true: Democrats have learned to love the super PAC.
Sunlight's review of year end filings finds that, in a reversal of last cycle's trend, the top two individual donors to super PACs in 2013 (by a long shot) both lean Democratic. Former NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who ran as an Independent, and California billionaire hedge fund manager-turned-environmentalist Tom Steyer combined to account for nearly $20 million in donations to groups pushing their respective policy agendas nationwide
Imagine that, the Democrats want public funding for their populist propaganda machine, how progressive.