The following stories show the Democrats will stoop to any level to change the result of an election. The change made to the wording of the marriage amendment ballot title is the most egregious. Just compare the Title to the wording of the Amendment. Here is the story as reported by the local news after this little background on Mark Ritchie,Voter ID and ballots from @kstp
"Thrust into the partisan hothouse of back-to-back statewide recounts, Secretary of State Mark Ritchie went out of his way to take on a referee persona despite the "D" after his name. But on the voter ID constitutional amendment now headed to the November ballot, he's openly taken a side.
Ritchie has steadily increased his opposition as the proposal advanced, to the point of arguing it will deprive voters of their rights. In the process, he has drawn blowback from Republicans and other supporters of the voting-law change, who accuse the state's top elections officer of going too far.
Ritchie acknowledged that he's stepped outside of his default "stay out" approach to politics."
Sec. of State Ritchie Steps into Voter ID Battle
Mark Ritchie Alters Title for Voter Photo ID Amendment
Created: 07/09/2012 12:53 PM By: Leslie RolanderMark Ritchie Alters Title for Voter Photo ID Amendment

The state elections chief announced in a news release Monday that the ballot question would carry the following title: "Changes to In-Person & Absentee Voting & Voter Registration; Provisional Ballots."
Sponsors of the measure had set the title previously as "Photo Identification Required for Voting."
The announcement comes as Ritchie, a Democrat, was sued for substituting a title on the amendment to define marriage in the state constitution as between one man and one woman.
Backers of the amendment object to his reworked title and say he is casting their measure in a negative light and overstepping bounds by crafting his own.
Ritchie has declined comment.'
(The new title doesn't even mention ID requirement)
My Voter ID Blog
Voter ID - Recommended by the Carter-Ford Commission & Long Overdue
Mark Ritchie Sets New Marriage Amendment Ballot Title
Created: 06/28/2012 12:04 PM By: Lauren Radomski
Mark Ritchie Sets New Marriage Amendment Ballot Title
"Ritchie's title language was approved earlier this month by Attorney General Lori Swanson, a fellow Democrat.Ritchie said he had the power to change the title because Gov. Mark Dayton, also a Democrat, vetoed the legislation that originally proposed the amendment. The measure still made it on the ballot because in Minnesota, proposed constitutional amendments only need to be approved by a majority in the Legislature - not the governor.
That legislation was approved in the Republican-controlled Legislature, and Dayton has acknowledged that his veto was symbolic."
Ballot title changed from:
"Recognition of Marriage Solely Between One Man and One Woman."
"Limiting the Status of Marriage to Opposite Sex Couples."
No loaded words like" limiting", marriage as a status and the nice pc phrase opposite sex couples. Which phrase applies better to the description on the ballot below?
"Shall the Minnesota Constitution be amended to provide that only a union of one man and one woman shall be valid or recognized as a marriage in Minnesota?
Created: 07/09/2012 11:32 AM by Scott Theisen
New Titles of Minn. Ballot Measures Stir Backlash
"Those words are definitely considered negative and misleading, and I believe they're created to sway the voter," said Limmer, who sponsored the same-sex marriage bill placing the issue before voters.Limmer said the new language is faulty because state law already defines marriage as between one man and one woman. The substitute title, he said, creates the impression that the state's posture toward marriage is changing. New Titles of Minn. Ballot Measures Stir Backlash
Follow the money:
Marriage amendment opponents raise $3.1 million since January
Marriage amendment opponents raise $3.1 million since January
Posted at 1:09 PM on June 19, 2012 by Catharine Richert
"Minnesotans United for All Families has attracted some big-name support, including Gov. Mark Dayton, who is hosting a gay pride reception today.Indeed, the Dayton name is spattered throughout the finance report. Dayton's sons Andrew and Eric earlier this month pledged $200,000 in matching funds. According to the report, the two contributed more than $25,000 each to the group, and other members of the Dayton family donated as well.
Meanwhile, William Messinger, the current husband of Dayton's ex-wife Alida Messinger, donated $10,200 to the cause.
Alida Messinger, the daughter of John D. Rockefeller III, is a prominent liberal donor who played an instrumental role in getting Dayton elected in 2010. Minnesotans United for All Families received a donation of $15,000 from the Rockefeller Family Fund; Eric Dayton serves as one of the fund's trustees, according to a 2010 federal tax document."
Once you investigate Mark Ritchie, his connection as 'friend' of the New Party, Barack Obama's membership in the New Party, felons for Franken, Soros's secretary of state project and the last election disaster, this meddling and its purposes will be clear. The democrats can only deceive, game and abuse the system to further their agenda.
#minoritarian #culturalmarxism #ballotmanipulation #markritchie #markdayton #voterid #marriageamendment #newparty