Predictable and right on schedule. The media and the new left continually bait the evangelicals into a fight to fire up the crowd. The Komen Foundation
Flip Flop last week involving Planned Parent Hood had election year and fundraising stunt written all over it. When is the next Komen event? Why would the left go out and vote for Obama in 2012 if they didn't think abortion or X was at stake? The right wing always reflexes at mention of Planned Parenthood. Game and Tweet on.

Throw in the timing of the Obama contraception decision with the sweep of Santorum on Tues Feb 7 to further bloody up the waters of these piranha primaries. Santorum is a great candidate but I am sure he was even surprised by a hat trick. The left wing and media gore sacred cows and film the responses and attacks on each other calling it a debate, these images and soundbites to be used later. The candidate and party members will seem angry, irrational and rigid and the contrasts will be used as a reason to support Obama. He will be cast as the "compassionate" Christian.( A progressive who practices collective or liberation theology. Help the 1 percent go to heaven and take their money) He might even seem Presidential. Here comes Barack Obama for President in 2012 The media's new moderate and foreign policy hawk, ideal for the independent voter.
1999 Same People- Big Problems |
Spending and budgets is the problem and should be the focus in the next debate. We cannot scapegoat the Federal Reserve and not talk everyday of NO BUDGET the move to nationalize student loans and healthcare. This point should be easy to make to most voters. Appeal for justice in regards to the housing crisis. Why did President Obama choose to either hire or not prosecute those involved in the housing collapse? Surely that might interest the voters. You see, there really isnt that much to debate.
The Democrats OWN THE ECONOMIC CRISIS AND CORRUPTION and in this next election, this is GAME POINT. It is time to lead instead of react.
#election2012 #gop #reactive